Our daily lives are so consumed by a number of things: the tasks and chores we have to finish; taking care of our children, families, and homes; tending to the yard; working non-stop.. The list goes on. If there's one thing that the Coronavirus pandemic has done is disrupt some of those patterns in our lives. BIG TIME. But still, there seems to be an infinite amount of things to do. If you're anything like me, you create new projects and chores to fill your time. And on top of that, the house still needs cleaning, the meals need cooking, and the kids need to be taught--- at home. There is an ample dose of business and chaos at home now, even though we're not going out. But I am trying to take this disruption to my usual life as an opportunity to change some habits and make MYSELF a daily priority too!
While I've been at home, I have tried to implement more self care with the extra time I've had. Drinking more water, stretching and exercising, and taking more diligent care of my hair and skin are just some of the things that I have been focusing on. It has been one enjoyable thing to come out of this quarantine. I have taken the time to start a little content collection for you, too!
Check the website under the "Self Care" tab to find a collection of pdf files that you can download and use for your own daily goals as well as self care tracking and inspiration. So far you can find some general daily care lists and practices in gratitude and reflection. I will be including content that address all sorts of self care, from mental and emotional well-being to self massage techniques, and even some energetic healing guides. I will also be posting some natural recipes and remedies for you to enjoy. There will be more content added weekly, so be sure to keep an eye out if you're interested in these simple tips and tricks for a healthier and happier life! And as always, be sure to follow us on social media to stay up to date on everything including new content, promotions, and reopening information. You can also sign up for our emails and newsletters online at www.sacredbonsaihealingarts.com/contact-us
I will continue to send out so much love and light to all of you! Stay healthy and live well, my friends!